Association Claude Bernard

Association Claude Bernard of his full name “Association Claude Bernard for the development of biological and medical research in Paris Public Assistance hospitals”.

Address: AP – HP, 4 avenue Victoria 75004 Paris. It was led by the Mayor of Paris and the ACB was entered in the budget of the city and the Department. She has been recognized of public utility since its creation. The Seine General Council decides its establishment in June 30, 1953. It is created finally by Decree on December 11, 1956. The budget of the ACB is now registered on the budget of the city and the Department. The first Scientific Council brings together leading personalities: l. Valéry-Radot, Robert Debré, Robert mail (France College), deans Leo Binet and Fabre, and Louis Bugnard (Director of the national Institute of hygiene (INH).)

The national Institute of health is created in 1941 to “perform laboratory work relevant to public health, coordinate health surveys in the country”.

Doctors-researchers of the INH, Raoul Kourilsky, Gabriel Richet, Jean Bernard and Jean Hamburger, and Xavier Leclainche, Director of Public Assistance of Paris founded actually in 1955 the Association Claude Bernard (ACB). The ACB was originally working with INH to enable new ways of financing and functioning. In addition the ACB had been created by different professors of medicine that infuse a new spirit of research in the medical body. Competition was with INH from the 1950s.

The return of General de Gaulle, INH reorganized in a larger, better with Institute and the Association Claude Bernard and INH harmonisèrent their initiatives: this was the creation of INSERM in 1964. Mr. Alphonse Gardie, former Secretary General of the AP – HP, played a very large role as General Secretary of the ACB allowed since the beginning of the creation of the ACB development and the Organization of its activities of research and organization of the personal was very close.

The ACB has seen its financial means increase during the 1960s, but no common measure with those on the INSERM with a considerable development. The contribution of the ACB was instrumental by the creation of many research centre in Parisian hospitals where suburb. The ACB has a staff which the statutes are gradually modelled on those of the INSERM. This staff includes officers of research, responsible for research, master of research and Research Director and personal Techniques and administrative.

Under the leadership of Louis Bugnard, Centres of research are created in the Assictance public hospitals. These research centres of the Association Claude Bernard later gave birth to the first of the INSERM research units:

  • Renal failure, Jean Hamburger, hospital Necker, future unit Inserm 25
  • Allergy, Bernard Halpern, hospital Broussais, future unit 20
  • Leukaemias and diseases of the blood, Jean Bernard, St. Louis hospital, future Centre Georges Hayem that will host units Inserm
  • Immunopathology and respiratory pathology, Raoul Kourilsky, hospital Saint-Antoine, future unit 23
  • Medical genetics, Maurice Lamy and Jean Frézal, hospital Necker, future unit 12
  • Gerontology, François Bourlière, hospital Sainte-Perrine, future unit 118
  • Applied neurophysiology, Jean Scherrer, hospital of pity – Salpêtrière, future unit 3
  • Physiology and cellular radiobiology, Raymond Latarget, Institut Curie, Orsay, future unit 22
  • Neonatal development, Alexandre Minkowski, hospital Cochin, future unit 29
  • Isotope research, René Fauvert, hospital Beaujon, future unit 24
  • Surgical pathology, Pierre Mallet-Guy, hospital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, future unit 4
  • Biochemistry of normal and pathological, protein Paul Boulanger, CHU de Lille, future unit 16
  • Gastroenterology, Serge Bonfils and André Lambling, hospital Bichât, future Unit 10
  • Animal Physiology, Edouard Housset, AF, iron mill, future unit 36
  • Cancer and radiopathologie, Georges Mathé, hospital Paul Bush – Villejuif, future unit 50
  • Biochemistry of the cancerous cell, Paul Mandel, future unit 44
  • Statistics, Daniel Schwartz, Institut Gustave Roussy, future unit 21

Therefore the ACB will be stagnation and decline of its means of research. The creation of the new departments of Ile-de-France would be fatal.

The Association Claude Bernard was dissolved in September 2003 after fifty years of existence in the service of the medical community and clinical research.

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