
All fields of application by the manufacturer

To this, ratiopharm sotalol 80 in connection-related application area there is more detailed information:

  • Cardiac rhythm disorders

Variant comparison

Sotalol-ratiopharm 80 is available in the following variants:

Pack size and dosage form Potency (dose per Tablet) Cheapest price per Pack
100 Tablets 70,56 Milligrams sotalo Price 18.00 EUR (0,00 EUR), (3,95 EUR shipping) price comparison
50 Tablets 70,56 Milligrams sotalo 13.80 EUR (0,00 EUR), price (3,95 EUR shipping) price comparison
20 Tablets 70,56 Milligrams sotalo 11.29 EUR (0,00 EUR), price (3,95 EUR shipping) price comparison

Other components

The following substance not effective components are part of the drug:

  • Magnesium stearate
  • Corn starch
  • Povidone
  • Talcum powder
  • Calcium hydrogen phosphate
  • Natriumcarboxymethylstaerke

Sotalol-ratiopharm 80 appears

Sotalol-ratiopharm 80 contains the active ingredient sotalol. Learn more about the applications and the action of sotalol below. Read also the information about the groups of active ingredients of anti-Arrhythmics, beta blockers, among which the active ingredient sotalol. Note the special effect of sotalol-ratiopharm 80 is also

Application of the active substance: sotalol

Sotalol is used for various forms of cardiac arrhythmias. Targeted application is treating to fast heartbeat (tachycardia), if this error is coming from the courts (supra ventricular tachycardia) or by the Chambers of the heart (ventricular tachycardia). The active ingredient is suitable also for the prevention of cardiac arrhythmia after an electric shock (cardioversion). Due to insufficient studies, the efficacy of sotalol following diseases is regarded as not backed up:

  • Medical… by cardiac Glycoside überempfindlichkeit
  • Load high pressure
  • Poor circulation or constriction of the coronary vessels
  • Heart muscle weakness
  • Heart tightness (angina pectoris)
  • Pre and post treatment of heart attack
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Tendency to permanent heart palpitations (hyperkinetisches heart syndrome).

The same applies to the use of sotalol, nervous disorders, nervous heart complaints, stresses, excitation, conditional allergic hypersensitivity phenomena or so-called histamine headache, disorders of metabolism or shielding of the influence of the stress hormone adrenaline. Sotalol can both be given in tablet form for taking, as well as with a syringe.

In-depth information is available to the following application areas of sotalol:

  • Cardiac rhythm disorders

Effect of sotalol

Sotalol is one of the groups of anti-Arrhythmics and blockers. The active substance affects various forms of cardiac arrhythmias. As a result, a too-rapid heart beat can be regulated under certain circumstances.

Sotalol is the heart beat more slowly and evenly. The active ingredient that blocks the so-called beta receptors on the heart and the potassium channels. Thus, the drug is one of the Antiarrythmika of class II and III.

Since sotalol not only to the heart coming forward, but works on all the beta receptors, it can cause unwanted side effects such as a narrowing of the bronchial tubes.

Solatol can be taken in tablet form. The effect occurs two to three hours after ingestion. It keeps for about 24 hours. The substance will not be converted by the body, but again almost completely excreted via the kidneys.

Special features of the effect of sotalol-ratiopharm 80

Notes to the dosage instructions on the packaging and in the patient information:

The medicine contains the active ingredient of sotalol in the form of sotalol hydrochloride. 70,56 Milligrams sotalol correspond to 80 milligrams of sotalol hydrochloride.

Warnings & precautions

The drug reduces the capacity to react and this drive and the ability to use machines. No work without secure hold may be performed during the treatment.

The wearing of contact lenses can be affected by reduction of Tränenflusses.

Diabetics blood sugar levels should be checked often during treatment with the drug.

A certain urine examination at a tumor of the adrenal market (pheochromocytoma) elevated levels may show falsely in the application of sotalol.

The dosage of the drug must not suddenly be changed (slow increase of dose, creeping out end of therapy).

During the treatment with the drug, alcohol should be avoided.

For allergy sufferers, the drug can cause strong allergic reactions.

Food, especially milk and milk products, may interfere with the inclusion of the active substance in the body. Use of the drug should therefore be not to a meal.

Medicines can cause allergic reactions. Evidence for this can be: redness, runny nose, itching, swelling of the mucous membrane, itching and redness of the eyes, narrowing of the Airways (asthma). In rare cases, there may be allergic shock with loss of consciousness.


What interactions of active substance of sotalol in sotalol-ratiopharm 80 are known? It is important to note that the interactions can be different depending on the pharmaceutical form of the drug (for example, Tablet, syringe, ointment).

The dose of sotalol may be together with alcohol or with drugs that affect the transmission of excitation in the heart, cardiac arrhythmia. Among these drugs haloperidol (Psychopharmakon), (against malaria), (to reduce the blood fats), and anti-Arrhythmics.

Leads to an increased blood pressure in combination with calcium channel blockers, pills (, (drugs), drainage products, anesthetics, blood pressure means (for example, Reserpine, clonidine,) and the Parkinson’s disease means Methyldopa and medicines, which throughout the bodies blood vessels.)

The medicine in norepinephrine (in shock) or MAO-inhibitors, however, cause that blood pressure can rise dramatically.

Common dose of calcium channel blockers, there may be blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. Medicines that cause potassium or magnesium loss (such as the entwässerungsmittel furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide or similar), cause additional cardiac arrhythmia due to the loss of this mineral.

Cardiac glycosides and muscle relaxants how be strengthened in their effect. The effects of other beta blockers or anti-Arrhythmics are reinforced by sotalol.

The bronchenerweiternde effect of Beta-2 sympathomimetic drugs (such as Fenoterol, terbutaline,) is, however, weakened, so that their dosage must be increased in May.

Together with insulins and blood sugar-lowering pills, sotalol may lead to hypo. Together with alcohol and anesthetics may occur to increased cardiac muscle paralysis. The dose of the vein, there may be a marked rise in blood pressure while taking the blood pressure senkers clonidine.

A certain urine examination at a tumor of the adrenal market (pheochromocytoma) elevated levels may show falsely in the application of sotalol.


The drug contains 80 milligrams of sotalol hydrochloride, is available also in effective thickness to 40 and 160 milligrams.

At the beginning of the treatment, 80 milligrams of sotalol hydrochloride (per two tablets) should be given twice a day. If so the desired effect is not reached, sotalol hydrochloride can be increased to 80 milligrams three times daily to 160 milligrams twice a day. For life-threatening conditions are given to 480 milligrams per day, divided into several doses.

At anfallartig can murmur of the Atria of the heart the dose of three times a day 80 milligrams of sotalol hydrochloride should not be exceeded. When chronic murmur of the Atria of the heart, the dose may be increased to maximum twice a day 160 milligrams.

A dose adjustment by the physician is required in patients with impaired renal function. So patients with a creatinine clearance received half of the normal dose, values under 10 millilitres per minute from ten to 30 milliliters per minute one-quarter of the normal dose.

Take a whole tablets with liquid, but not without food. Especially a simultaneous ingestion of milk and dairy products must be waived.

Only the doctor can determine the duration of the application.


The following information about contra-indications for the purposes of sotalol-ratiopharm 80 in General, pregnancy & breast-feeding and children. It is important to note that the contra-indications can be different depending on the pharmaceutical form of the drug (for example, Tablet, syringe, ointment).

When cannot sotalol-ratiopharm 80 be used?

The drug should not be used for:

  • Hypersensitivity to sotalol and also antibiotics from the Group of the
  • severe heart muscle weakness, treated heart muscle weakness and acute heart attack. Such patients are particularly vulnerable to suffer more cardiac arrhythmias by sotalol.
  • Shock
  • Heart beat slow down like when blockages of the heart Nervenknoten (AV block II. and III. degree, sinuatrialer block, sinus node syndrome) and a heartbeat below 50 BPM
  • recognizable ECG changes such as a QT prolongation
  • Lack of potassium and/or magnesium in the blood
  • low blood pressure
  • serious circulatory disturbances in arms and legs
  • Respiratory diseases with bronchial reduction
  • Metabolic disorders such as a metabolic acidosis.

A careful risk benefit of sotalol treatment and careful monitoring by the physician has to take place at:

  • untreated tumors of the market of the adrenal (pheochromocytoma). Here should be treated with alpha-Sympatholytika.
  • Patients with a psoriasis in the history or family
  • severe hypersensitivity reactions in prehistoric times and patients who undergo a desensitization therapy against allergies. Increasingly, it can cause severe allergic reactions.
  • Patients with impaired renal function. You need to get lower doses.
  • strict fasting and in diabetes patients with strongly fluctuating blood sugar levels. Medical surveillance of contraception neglected hypoglycaemia.
  • Patients with suspected thyroid function
  • strong or persistent diarrhea, or simultaneous administration of drugs, which lead to a loss of magnesium or potassium. Here the mineral and the acid base balance must be checked frequently by doctors.

What must you consider when pregnancy and breast-feeding?

No sufficient experience on the application of sotalol are available during pregnancy. the mother was treated with Soltalol cardiac rhythm disorders, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia and respiratory weakness can occur in the newborn. An application is therefore to stop at least 72 hours prior to the probable date of birth. This is not possible, the newborn must be monitored carefully.

During breastfeeding, sotalol may be over in different concentrations in breast milk. Weakness of the respiratory and cardiac arrhythmias may also contribute to the infant. Is still breastfed babies for these signs need to be monitored.

What is taken into account in children?

With children, no sufficient studies conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of sotalol. An application of the active substance in this age group is therefore not allowed.

Side effects

What side effects can the active ingredient sotalol in sotalol-ratiopharm 80 have? Below, you will learn the most important thing to any known side effects of sotalol in sotalol-ratiopharm 80. These side effects should not occur, but can. Because everyone reacts differently to medications. Please also note that the side effects in type and frequency can vary depending on the drug form of the drug (for example, Tablet, syringe, ointment).

Common side effects: anxiety, confusional, mood swings, delusions, reinforced dreams depressive upsets, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, nervous transmission sensations, cold feeling on, the limbs, vision problems, hearing disorders, chest pain, drop in blood pressure, amplification, heartbeat slow down, palpitations, ECG changes, AV-transfer errors, arrhythmia amplification, change in cardiac arrhythmias, loss of consciousness or conditions before, breathing difficulties, taste disorders, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, dry mouth, redness, itching, rashes, fever, fatigue.

Uncommon side effects: hair loss, conjunctivitis, shortness of breath (in patients with brochienverengenden respiratory diseases).

Very rare side effects: cornea/Bindehautentzzündung, angina pectoris-reinforcement, reinforcement of ciculation defects on arms and legs, conduction abnormalities on the heart (sine wave break, blocking at the AV node and bundle of his), allergic bronchitis with connective tissue formation, psoriasis triggering.

Side effects without frequency: reduction of Tränenflusses (when wearing contact lenses to observe!), muscle spasms, muscle weakness, sexual disorders.

Specialties: Strengthening the cardiac arrhythmias by treatment with sotalol are possible, this can lead to strong deterioration of the heart activity (up to the cardiac). Especially in life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and impaired function of the left ventricle, rhythm disorders can be triggered. Serious side effects of this kind are mostly dependent on the dosage of sotalol and occur mostly early after start of treatment and dose increase.

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